Economic Concerns Drive Shift in Voter Intentions Natural Resource Key to Addressing Jobs and Affordability

Finance & Taxation
Innovation, Technology and Productivity
Jobs & Labour
Natural Resources
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The second of three polls commissioned by the BC Chamber of Commerce reveals why some British Columbians are reconsidering their political choices, driven by concerns over taxes, crime, and economic growth. The poll also indicates that a large majority of voters believe expanding natural resources would create more jobs across the economy, beyond a specific sector, and help address affordability issues.

“The electoral landscape has shifted dramatically since the last poll and many voters are considering taxes, the economy and support for business when deciding how to cast their vote. Our poll also shows that more than 80 percent of British Columbians believe governments are responsible for fostering a competitive environment and helping local businesses succeed,” said Fiona Famulak, President and CEO of the BC Chamber of Commerce. “As the provincial election gets underway, it is critical that political parties set out their economic visions and, more importantly, their plans to support business.”

Key Findings

  • Defections from the NDP: The poll shows that about one-in-five of respondents who voted for the BC NDP in 2020 are reconsidering their vote. These "defectors" place a higher emphasis on keeping taxes low, addressing crime and public safety, growing the economy, and encouraging more business investment than the NDP base of support.
  • Economic Concerns Driving Voter Intentions: 83% of respondents believe that government plays a role in helping local business success, with tax reduction seen as the most effective measure. This is particularly important for former NDP voters who are now focused on business growth and investment.
  • More or Fewer Taxes: 6 in 10 respondents believe they already pay enough taxes for public safety and fighting crime. A notable 28% of voters want to pay less in taxes for addressing climate change and 33% would pay more for health care.
  • Support for Expanding Natural Resources and Agriculture: 77% of British Columbians agree increasing production in the agriculture and agri-food sector will result in the creation of local jobs outside of the sector, with 65% or more agreeing that the same would occur with an increase in production in the Forestry, Mining, and Natural Gas sectors.
  • Natural Resources, Agriculture and Affordability: 60% of British Columbians agree that increasing natural gas production would help prevent utility costs from increasing. 76% of British Columbians agree that increasing agriculture and agri-foods production would help prevent food costs from increasing.

“As our province faces declining investment and business closures, it is clear that British Columbians see expanding resource sectors as a significant part of the solution to the economic challenges we face,” said Famulak. “BC needs to push the reset button on its regulatory regime and promote, not hinder, growth of our natural resource sectors.”

Full survey results: BC Chamber of Commerce Poll 2 survey results


Survey Methodology

The survey was conducted online by Counsel Public Affairs through the Leger Opinion (LEO) Panel, which was used in whole or in part for the collection of data from Sept. 4-9, 2024, and engaged 2,010 demographically representative British Columbian residents aged 18 and older. The survey sample size is the largest undertaken in this pre-election period. Respondents were selected through a double opt-in panel to ensure accurate representation across age, gender, and region. The survey, available in English, utilized quotas and post-survey weighting to align with the most recent census data.

Margin of error is not applicable for online surveys, however, if the survey was a probability-based random sample of the same size, it would be considered accurate to +/- 2% nineteen times out of twenty.​