BC Chamber of Commerce Statement on the Rising Cost of Doing Business in British Columbia

Finance & Taxation
Natural Resources

In response to recent production curtailment and permanent shutdown announcements by forest sector companies, Fiona Famulak, President and CEO of the BC Chamber of Commerce, released the following statement:

“We know that difficult decisions like these are not taken lightly. Similarly, we know their consequences will be felt for a long time by workers, their families and the many others in our province who rely on the forest sector for their livelihoods.

The issues at play, though, are bigger than a single industry. Simply put, the cost of doing business in British Columbia is too high across almost all sectors for businesses to thrive or attract investment.

Furthermore, permitting delays, experienced by our natural resource sectors, exacerbate the issue by hindering investment opportunities and potential employment. Delaying investments or projects, especially those that might help offset the impacts of closures like those recently announced, are inexcusable. Government must put greater priority on creating a business climate that attracts investment and generates well-paying, family-supporting jobs in our communities.

The BC Chamber of Commerce will continue to strongly advocate to government for policies and measures that reduce the cost of doing business in B.C., so that businesses and communities across our province can thrive and contribute to the well-being of all British Columbians.”