BC Chamber of Commerce Statement on Report on Budget 2023 Consultation

Finance & Taxation
Local & Regional Government

In response to the provincial government’s release of its Report on the Budget 2023 Consultation, Fiona Famulak, President and CEO of the BC Chamber of Commerce, released the following statement:

“We are pleased that some of the 216 recommendations in the Report on the Budget 2023 Consultation are aimed at addressing the challenges that small- and medium-sized businesses continue to face, including inflationary cost increases, rising interest rates, supply chain challenges, a shortage of skilled workers, affordable housing and daycare for staff, and an expansive public transportation infrastructure.

And we need action. These challenges are real and, in many cases, years old. We therefore urge all levels of government to act now and work together with the private sector to find innovative solutions. Simply put, we need the political will to get things done, so that together we can build a better and stronger economy for the benefit of all British Columbians.”