BC Chamber of Commerce Statement on Premier Horgan’s Announcement on his Future

Local & Regional Government

In response to Premier John Horgan’s announcement today of his intention to step down as leader of the BC New Democratic Party and resign as Premier later this year, Fiona Famulak, President and CEO of the BC Chamber of Commerce, released the following statement:

“On behalf of the BC Chamber of Commerce, I want to thank Premier John Horgan for the 17 years of public service he has given to British Columbians as an MLA, including five years as British Columbia’s Premier. His love for our province is well known, and I applaud his dedication to public life.

On a personal note, I want to thank him for listening to the BC Chamber of Commerce on issues of importance and for attending many of our functions over the years. I wish him the best in his next chapter.

As the B.C. New Democratic Party looks to elect a new leader this fall, the BC Chamber of Commerce will continue to advocate on the issues that matter to its members and businesses across the province. Specifically, we will remain focused on making sure government fosters an environment where businesses prosper, families thrive and communities flourish.”